<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Agenda 21 escolar de Aranda de Duero <% conn="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" conn=conn & "DBQ=" & server.mappath(bd) 'Constante con url relativa a bd set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") sql="SELECT * FROM clase" rs.open sql,conn if not rs.eof then cl=rs.getrows rs.close if isarray(cl) then ubcl=ubound(cl,2) else ubcl=-1 cid=cint(request("id")) if cid=0 then randomize cid=cl(cl_id,fix(rnd()*ubcl)) end if for x=0 to ubcl if cl(cl_id,x)=cid then clx=x:x=ubcl next todoco=0 sql="SELECT * FROM colegio" rs.open sql,conn if not rs.eof then co=rs.getrows rs.close if isarray(co) then ubco=ubound(co,2) else ubco=-1 for x=0 to ubco todoco=todoco+co(c_co2,x) if co(c_id,x)=cl(cl_id_c,clx) then cox=x next sql="SELECT * FROM clase ORDER BY cl_orden" rs.open sql,conn if not rs.eof then c=rs.getrows rs.close if isarray(c) then ubc=ubound(c,2) else ubc=-1 sql="SELECT * FROM aviso ORDER BY a_id DESC" rs.open sql,conn if not rs.eof then a=rs.getrows rs.close if isarray(a) then uba=ubound(a,2) else uba=-1%>
Contador general
<%totalco=0 for x=0 to ubc totalco=totalco+c(cl_co2,x) next totalco=cifm(totalco,6) if len(totalco)>6 then totalco=999999 %>
<%for x=0 to 5 tam="g" if x>2 then tam="p" if x=3 then%>
<%end if if len(totalco)>4-x then %><%=mid(totalco,x+1,1)%><% else %>0<% end if next%>
Kg. de CO2
<% if request("t")<>"" then sql="SELECT * FROM doc WHERE d_tipo=" & request("t") & " ORDER BY d_fecha DESC" rs.open sql,conn if not rs.eof then d=rs.getrows rs.close end if if isarray(d) then ubd=ubound(d,2) else ubd=-1 ld=0 for x=0 to ubd%>
style="margin-right:3px;"<%end if%>>

<%pref="doc/" if instr(d(d_url,x),"http://")>0 then pref=""%> <%=fixtildes(d(d_tit,x))%>
<%if x mod 2 then%>
<%end if%> <%next%> <%if ubd=-1 then%>

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<%end if%> Ayuntamiento Aranda de Duero
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